
Buyers Agent Fees

How much does it cost to hire Unicorn Buyers Agents to find and buy you the perfect home?

Property Buying
Fees Guide

As a general guide fees range from .5% to 2.5% of the estimated purchase price, except for our vendor advocacy service, which is free.


We’re happy to work on a percentage basis or agree on a fixed fee if that’s your preference.


Our practice is to quote a fee once we understand the specific requirements of the client.


We can provide you with a firm quote over the phone in as little as five minutes.


We’ll ask you about your ideal property, suburbs and areas within suburbs you’re focused on, budget, and how involved you’d like to be in the search process. We’ll then propose a level of service for your needs, a fee and a timeline to commence work, ensuring we have no conflict of interest with similar briefs.


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Case Studies

Ingrid & Paul

Unicorn buyers agent Sydney fees 2

Ingrid & Paul had a young child, another baby on the way and needed a bigger home- pronto. They wanted to spend $2M- $2.4M on a three-bedroom terrace/semi with a floor plan suitable for a young family.


They were quite specific about locations to be in their preferred school catchment, they also needed a work from home space and parking was essential. 


We agreed on a fixed fee of $39,000 + GST


After an intense nine week search we found them the perfect semi and successfully negotiated the purchase. 

Michael & Justine

Unicorn buyers agent Sydney fees 3

Michael and Justine had two young kids and wanted to move from their Surry Hills apartment into a terrace or semi, with outdoor space, two bathrooms, parking, lots of storage and walking distance to a beach


The budget was $4M-$4.5M although there was more budget available via a family gift if the property was ‘extra special’. We finessed the brief and agreed on five suburbs to focus on then agreed on a percentage based fee of 1.5%+ GST.


After signing the agency agreement we got to work immediately and within two weeks managed to walk Michael and Justine through a beautiful off-market listing that ticked all of their boxes. We had the contract reviewed, commissioned a building and pest report and negotiated the purchase to a price within budget, to seal the deal within a month from signing to purchase. 

Service Option Two

Residential Appraise and Negotiate Only

case studY

Darcy & Rowena

Unicorn buyers agent Sydney fees 4

Darcy and Rowena were downsizing from their Roseville family home and looking to purchase in Paddington.


Being unfamiliar with the area they had a budget of $5M-$6M and had shortlisted and inspected two renovated terraces and were torn between which to purchase.


They approached us for assistance to appraise both and assist with the purchase of their final choice. We agreed on a fee of .7% of the final purchase price then got to work with our research to provide a detailed property report for each terrace including the history of tenure, background checks on renovation quality including conversations with the building inspector, in depth checks on damp and water issues a check on comparable sales and some snooping on the vendors to ascertain sales motivation.


Our reports provided clear guidance for Rowena and Darcy to lean favourably toward one of their choices which we then negotiated to a price well within market range and comfortably within our clients budget.

Buyers Agent FAQs

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    What is a buyers agent?


    A buyers agent is a licensed property agent who assists homebuyers or property investors in real estate transactions. Their main role is to help clients find and purchase a home that fits their needs and budget. By working exclusively with buyers, they provide expertise in navigating the complex process of buying a home, utilizing their local market knowledge and connections with selling agents. Buyers agents conduct thorough research on comparable sales transactions to ensure transparency and market value, while also driving due diligence to minimise future problems or stress for the buyer. Their experience in various sales processes and legal and financial requirements gives buyers a competitive advantage.

    Working with a buyers agent offers objective advice and representation throughout the home buying process, preventing emotional decision-making. Since they solely represent the buyer’s interests, they can help clients make informed choices without external influences. Moreover, buyers agents employ effective methods and resources to streamline the property search and evaluation process, including accessing off-market or silent listings that may not be publicly available.

    What’s the difference between a real estate agent and a buyers agent?


    Buying and selling real estate can be complicated. That’s where buyers agents and real estate agents come in. A real estate agent is a professional who sells properties. Who does a real estate agent represent? The seller. Real estate agents are paid through commission from either the seller or the vendor. A buyers agent exclusively represents the buyer. They act in the buyer’s best interest and help them through the process of securing the property they want. But which one do you need?


    READ: What’s the difference between a buyers agent vs. real estate agent?

    How much do buyers agents charge?


    Many buyers agents charge for service like a real estate sales agent ie, a percentage commission. This method can make sense if you have a broad range for your budget. If you have a more specific budget range and prefer to lock in a price Unicorn Buyers Agents will also offer a fixed fee. 


    Are buyers agents worth it?


    Hiring a buyers agent does make sense but what can you expect for your money, and how will you assess the value of your buyers agent’s services?


    When hiring a buyers agent, it’s important to assess the value of their services. A reputable buyers agent in Sydney will customise their offerings and fees to meet your specific needs. They can provide services such as bidding at auctions on your behalf, appraising properties you’ve found, or managing the entire search process from start to contract settlement.

    For auction representation, a buyers agent acts as your proxy and uses various strategies to secure the property at the lowest possible price, considering other bidders and the auctioneer’s style. An appraisal and negotiation service involves offering a professional opinion on market value and likely selling price based on recent sales, momentum, and interest. 


    A comprehensive search goes beyond public listings, utilising outreach to real estate agents, research tools, networking, and more to shortlist potential properties. The buyers agent coordinates inspections, researches property issues, and engages a team of professionals on your behalf. They also handle communication with selling agents and provide a curated shortlist of desirable options.


    A top buyers agent not only finds properties that meet your criteria but also suggests low-cost renovations to help you achieve your dream property. They act as a voice of reason, guiding you to avoid psychological pitfalls like analysis paralysis, fear of missing out (FOMO), and buyer’s remorse. Ultimately, a skilled buyers agent ensures you pay the right price, leveraging market conditions to secure the lowest possible price for your purchase.

    How much will it cost me not to use a buyers agent?


    I know how the sales agent will run the campaign and by deal time I’ll know the minimum price that needs to be paid to secure the property. This saves my clients thousands of dollars of search time and many thousands more by not overpaying. I’ll also buy a better house on a better street which means tens, or hundreds of thousands of dollars more in your pocket. How?


    Let’s assume you manage to buy without overpaying and you’ve chosen a good suburb, street, and property type that grows in value at say 4% a year for the next decade. Now let’s assume I could buy you a slightly better property that grows in value at a slightly better 5% for the next decade. That 1% extra on a $2m property means my purchase will be worth $200k more than yours in ten years’ time. Not using a good buyers agent will cost you money.

    Do i need a buyers agent in today’s market?


    In a seller’s market with FOMO running high it seems easier to understand the value proposition for a buyers agent.


    But great buyer agent work is just as critical in a cooler market. Here are a few reasons why:


    1. Selling agents get much better at returning your calls in a tough market but they still have one thing top of mind – squeezing the highest possible price out of you. That’s their job.
    2. We have relationships with agents which helps us find opportunities in the form of off-market /silent listings by anxious and distressed owners. We also help bring things to market. Potential sellers are more likely to list when a buyers agent walks through the home during an appraisal.
    3. We assess up-to-the-minute market value. Sydney property prices are volatile. Price action varies from suburb to suburb, street to street. Last night’s sale resets today’s suburb benchmark. On a $2M home purchase overpaying by 3% is a $60,000 mistake and buying at a 5% discount to market is a $100,000 win.
    4. Cooling markets are a minefield of second-grade properties and unrealistic vendors. We shortlist, inspect and present only the best, most viable options saving you time money, and stress. 

    How to choose a buyers agent?


    Hiring a buyers agent is a significant investment. Understanding how to prepare for the buying process and how to choose the right agent for your search will save you in every respect. Avoid these 12 costly mistakes and you’re well on the way to a profitable, and enjoyable buyers agent experience:


    1. Hiring an inexperienced buyers agent that had not purchased at least fifty properties for their clients. 
    2. Choosing a buyers agent without a buying team if you don’t have one of your own.
    3. Not choosing a buyers agent who is completely independent and working for you.
    4. Not choosing the buyers agent service that corresponds to your needs.
    5. Not choosing a buyers agent who specializes in your desired area.
    6. Not paying the right price for the service you’re getting.
    7. Not assessing the methods your buyers agent will use to find your ideal property.
    8. Not choosing an agent with auction experience if that’s the likely method of sale for your property.
    9. Not screening your agent for negotiating power.
    10. Not having a well-defined brief for your agent.
    11. Not confirming your buyers agent will be working exclusively on your brief.
    12. Choosing a larger agency and being assigned a junior or an associate.

    What questions should i ask a buyers agent before hiring them?


    When you’re hiring a buyers agent, it’s important to ask a few questions to ensure that they’re the right fit for you. Here are some questions you may want to consider:


    1. What experience do you have as a buyers agent?
    2. How do you plan to help me find the right property?
    3. How familiar are you with the local real estate market?
    4. Can you provide references from previous clients?
    5. How will you communicate with me throughout the buying process?
    6. How do you handle negotiations and bidding wars?
    7. Do you have experience working with first-time homebuyers?
    8. How do you get paid for your services?
    9. How many clients do you currently have?
    10. Do you work full-time as a buyers agent or do you also handle listings?

    Asking these questions will help you get a better sense of the agent’s experience, expertise, and approach to working with clients, which will help you make an informed decision when hiring a buyers agent.

    Can you claim the buyers agent fees on tax?


    If you are using a buyers agent to purchase an investment property, for example, your buyers agent fees may be capitalized into the purchase and be deductible on sale. Even if you are using a buyers agent to purchase a personal residence, it’s worthwhile hanging on to the invoice. Check with your accountant and tax agent to see what portion of fees may be expensed and how. 

    Can a property seller contact the buyer agent directly?

    Yes, a property seller can contact the buyers agent directly. This does in fact happen. Here at Unicorn Buyers Agents we are contacted daily by sellers interested to avoid sales agents commissions by seeing if we may have a buyer for their property.

    A property seller who already has their home listed with a sales agent is much less likely to contact the buyers agent directly as they trust their nominated agent to facilitate the transaction.


    A property seller who is selling privately will contact the buyer agent directly and we have conducted a number of purchases directly with the seller.


    On occasion, a buyers agent may contact a seller directly even if they have a sales agent- but always with the permission of the sales agent. It may be to clarify some detail directly, to give a client peace of mind. 

    Do i have to sign a buyer agent agreement?


    Yes, you do have to sign a buyer-agent agreement. A buyers agent operating in NSW is required to be either a class one or class two real estate agent and must operate under legislation set down in the Property, Stock and Business Agents Act and Regulation. The legislation stipulates that an agency agreement must be in place between an agent and a principal, outlining the terms on which the work will be conducted.

    Can you have multiple buyers agents?


    Whilst you could theoretically have multiple buyers agents working for you, it would be both unlikely and undesirable for you to enter into this arrangement. Most buyers agents will require you to enter into an exclusive agency agreement which recognizes they alone are working for you and their fee is liable to be paid even in the instance another buyers agent finds a property.


    Here at Unicorn Buyers Agents we work with clients confident to trust us to find and purchase their home and as such only enter into exclusive agency agreements. We do not co-opt with other agents. So saying that we do occasionally collaborate with buyers’ agent colleagues outside of our organization to assist us with a challenging brief. In this instance, we negotiate remuneration directly from our commission and no further fee is payable by our clients.

    Sydney Areas We Specialise In

    Eastern Suburbs real estate is sought after by local, interstate and international homebuyers and investors. Eastern Suburbs real estate is sought after by local, interstate and international homebuyers and investors. 

    Sydney’s Inner West is a sprawl of villages within villages and could be described as the organic alt sibling to Sydney’s East and North with an emphasis on craft, creativity and community mindedness.

    The North Shore features many beautiful homes but often without the ostentatiousness of the East. We find a substantial number of properties trade quietly off-market and credibility and local relationships are required to have visibility across the everything that might be available to purchase.

    We have experienced a renewed interest in the Sydney city fringe life from clients and are always buying for singles, couples, young families, and older downsizers looking to return from the suburbs and rejoin the action.

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